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A opinião e razões dos signatários do Abaixo-Assinado: Abaixo-assinado Petition revoke the demission of Dr. Paulo Roberto Martins Petición revocar la renuncia del Dr. Paulo Roberto Martins, para His Excellency the Governor of the State of Sao Paulo, Su Excelencia el Gobernador del Estado de Sao Paulo

Nome Comentário
João B. 12/09/11 - MPF move ação para que União garantaassistência jurídica integral em São Paulo como determinaa Constituição Federal Leia a íntegra da ACP nº 0015967-16.2011.4.03.6100
Raymond M. Dr. Paulo Roberto Martins has presented papers at international conferences concerning the risks of nanothechnology. This is important so that the risks can be managed. This is important in order to push its developers to innovate and improve safety. It is wrong to fire Dr. Martins two months before his scheduled retirement, and this action hurts the international reputation f his institution. I therefore request that that action be revoked. Raymond Murphy, Past-president, Environment and Soiety Research Committee of the International Sociological Association
Associate C. This untimely dismissal is against all human rights [for fairness and equity] and natural justice.
Steven B. The action of the state are outrageous and contrary to professional standards worldwide
Robert M. e essential continuar pesquisas independente, como trabalho de Dr. Paulo Roberto Martins
Steven W. I know nothing of the facts of this case firsthand. All details I received are from email correspondence, and always we must be critical of such communication when addressing important matters. If Dr. Martins has been fired from his post as a result of his critical views on nanotechnology, this is unjust. More broadly, this would be evidence that we find ourselves living in a dangerous world where dissent is not tolerated. Technology assessment and critical analysis of technology are vital parts of modern democracy. They are a bulwark against ecological, political and cultural risks.
Jaydee H. Dr. Paulo Martins has been an excellent partner for our research on nanotechnology. I am stunned to learn that you have dismissed him.
Stephanie H. Dr Martins and his colleagues are doing work of international importance. We here in New Zealand have benefited greatly from the intellectual contribution he has made in how to think constructively about new technologies. It should be supported as a mark of distinction for his university and Brazil that such work is occurring there.
Dr. A. Dr. Martins is a well respected global scholar, and deserve to be treated with more respect and dignity. Please reverse this unfair decision, and allow the man to retire with the dignity he deserves.
Kristen L. Dr Paulo Martins is an international leader in the field of critical studies of nanotechnologies, including public engagement. His work has informed the development of academic thinking, policy and practice globally. I had the pleasure of meeting Dr Martins at the World Social Forum in Senegal in 2011; at this meeting I was struck my his intellectual rigor and generosity. I wish to add my voice to the growing chorus calling for him to be reinstated to his academic post, so that he can continue to receive the institutional support required to do this important work of national and international significance.
Steven L. I believe that Dr Paulo Martins has made an important academic contribution to the field of sociology, in particular through his work on nanoscience and nanotechnology. I urge your intervention to defend academic freedom and to reinstate his academic position.
Vincenzo R. Dr Paulo Martins is a well-known international leader in the field of critical studies of nanotechnologies, including public engagement. His work has informed the development of academic thinking, policy and practice globally. His work is intellectually rigorous and well-respected. He must be reinstated to his academic post immediately.
Yahya M. Re instate Paulo Now!
Dr. N. I know Dr. Paulo Roberto Martins as a responsible scientist. I fully support him. It would be good for science and for democracy to have more scientists like him.
Bob P. We highly respect and value the work that Dr Martins has done to protect the public interest and to ensure that nanomaterials and their products are only deployed if they benefit society and are safe. We therefore petition you to reinstate Dr Martins to his position and ensure that he is able to continue working until his retirement, with all his entitlements intact. This is fair and just.
Georgia M. Dear Sir, I have worked with Dr Paulo Martins for several years. Dr Martins' contribution to nanotechnology study and to policy discussions internationally is highly regarded. World wide, there is growing recognition that the social dimensions of nanotechnology development require greater scrutiny, alongside its technical promise. Please intervene to ensure that Dr Martins may continue his important work.
JESUS H. Apoyo totalmente la restitucion del Dr Paulo Roberto Martins y el debate publico sobre el impacto de la nanotecnologia
Riley P. Dr. Martents is a good scholar who has made important contributions to understanding the societal aspects of nanotechnology. His work is important, and it is outrageous that a scholar would be fired just three months prior to retiring. This is a grave injustice, and reflects poorly on academic freedom in Brazil. I hope you will rectify this situation, and ensure that Dr. Martins can continue working in his position.
Maricarmen . Resulta una gran contradiccion que en el contexto de un gobierno progresista como creemos que es el brasileño, ocurran injusticias como las que ha vivido el Dr. Paulo Martins. Espero que se reconsidere su suspension.

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