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A opinião e razões dos signatários do Abaixo-Assinado: Petição para prisão de Rafael Hermida Fonseca, para Orgão de Defesa Animal

Nome Comentário
Brandirose S. No Bueno
Gregory P. The police should put the sick man in jail for the rest of his life.
Janet c. You a Monster & should be put in jail. Thank god the whole world knows who are & what you did & hope justice will be served!
Tyler H. So sickening...
Jennifer R. No one should touch animal like that.
Stephanie . Nail this -er to a wall!!
M.Withers Bastard...someone needs to give him a good kicking!
Sally p. This man deserves to be punished!
Lindsey S. So sad! I can't imagine. I hope he rots! Sick!
Alyson P. Put that monster in jail!!
Mil T. Stop this madness cruelty towards animals immediately.
Natalie . Lets grab him by the Neck and see how he likes it
carole n. What will keep this jack ass from harming the next girl friends animals?
felicity w. Make his punishment so severe, he'll be terrified to do it again! Such a stupid idiot! Deserves no place in this world!
Jacqueline H. Someone this mean should not be allowed to get away with this.... totally disgusting.
Carol J. Lock him up.Do the same to him.
Tyler g. I hope he gets put in jail forever.
Jeanette F. Lock him up.
Paula K. What an Evil coward
Agnes C. Hopefully this person is arrested and charged for abuse. Studies have shown if people are abusive to animals that they have the ability to be abusive to people. God bless and take care of those puppies.

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