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It started in july 2008, after a dentist
intervention at PAM 3 municipality of Porto Alegre
in Brazil ondontologist intervention in my
left inferior second molar I started to
receive intracranial voices who presented
themselves as Israeli, Japanse and American
Federals. The Dentist in the Pan 3 Basic
Unit of Health presented himself as "madder wow",
I found his name strange but didn't new anything
about being biochipped. Since then I filled in
thousands of reports asking to display one other
biochip the criminals had implanted in the joint
of my finger and which pulled out after I received
a Maser Satellite Shot which made two holes on my
finger and discharged the first biochip, probably
implanted years later, I think 2004. Just now I am
wearing a home made antimicrowave helmet, ferrite cobalt
rubber and salty water bags to protect my skull, and
the protections is enought to force the criminals
to have a litte less power to sincronize the hacking of
my cortex with the Satellite Intelligence Artificial
System which keeps on reading my Brain in real time
and tampering with my thoughts. Whenever I don't use the
helmet their voices go stealthy because they have more bytes
in the microwave carrier and acts 3D directly in my cortex
and my body starts moving in directions I do not want
and my eyes moves in directions I do not choose, therefore
I need to keep on wearing a heavy cumbersome protection over
the skull, the microwave carrier is so strong I can feel
the maser burning my skull and skill and rigging my
brains like a soaked towel that is being rinsed. I officially
asked the local Porto Alegre Mayor's house of representatives
members ( VEREADORES [email protected] ) to
allow me a public hearing and summon physicians to
register the biochip I have on hand and help me to pull
out of my body the two other biochips still in place,
but the politicians are bribed by Federal Criminals and
the hearing never takes place, precisely because we
have material full proof of the crime. The criminals say
via intracranial voice they are going to defraude the world cup
2010 biochiping soccer players and altering the results
for bookmakers throught the injecting of MICROWAVE DOPING
directly in Soccer Players cortex by means of artificial
Intelligence and are forcing me to enter this fraud
in Brazilan Soccer Cups, to help organized crime to
keep on using Microwave Doping to defraud sports. They
keep on stating in loud intracranial voice I should either
visit the Japanese Consulate Building or the American
Cultural Center in Porto Alegre to get further instructions.
They criminals say I should either join the American Secret Service or
have the little finger cut and work behalf the Japanese
Space Agency, if not the microwave torturing will go on
and on utill I die of ICD E9260.O activated by Artificial
Intelligence. Sincy 2008 I have been asking for help
far and wide on my blog,,
and have written a book on which I create a new form of
speech, the DIRECT FREE SPEECH, which I created to be
able to write under microwave attack, once the impared brain
could not find other possible form of speech.

Pedi uma audiência pública aos Vereadores em Porto Alegre ( [email protected]) visando expor um BIOCHIP que permite a leitura do cérebro em tempo real por microondas e a audiência fica sendo adiada, porque os Laboratórios de Guerra que estão espalhando os biochips subornam os vereadores. Qualquer audiência pública ou exame microoscópico ou de resonância magnética nuclear provaria a existência dos BIOCHIP, por isso os criminosos subornam os políticos para que as audiências públicas não saiam. Precisamos possibilitar ás vítimas de tortura por microondas por voz intracraniana de Efeito Frey ou DOPING de Microondas a distância RNN and EBL, ter acesso a denúnciar públicamente que estão sendo torturadas e registrar os biochips que estão sendo utilizados polo crime organizado para causar acidentes de trânsito em todos os países do mundo e possibilitar aos legistas que aprendam a detectar os pequenos celulares de três milímitors de tamanho que estão sendo implantados secretamente no corpos das vítimas.

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